Urban & Lounge
Hospitality | Mosque collection
Mosque collection
The Carus Mosque Collection is guaranteed to be the flooring solution for the decoration of your mosque project or prayer room.
Our state of the art production process meets the highest standards and ensures the best quality in colour brightness and performance. We offer you a quality product, durable and hygienic, very comfortable and easy in maintenance. Dense constructions, soft yarns and different pile weights make these carpet ranges the perfect floor covering for any mosque project.
The Chromojet printing process used for this collection of carpets is very flexible and allows personalised colours and patterns without requesting high volumes.
We have many years of experience in manufacturing carpets for mosques and have been the supplier for projects in France, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Dubai, …e.g. Grande Mosquée de Reims (France), Mosquée ‘Hassan II’ in Saidia (Morocco).